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Testimonial from Nicholas Belcastro

2 weeks to trademarks Apr 09, 2020

"As a new lawyer and someone who had a concentration in intellectual property in law school, this course was a great way to learn how to put the basic information I had acquired from school into actual practice. Not only do you get a refresher on the basics of trademarks and all the substantive filing knowledge you need to put you on track to starting your own trademark firm, but Sonia was also able to share the tricks that come with years of practice. She went into great detail on the day-to-day process of what it takes to succeed, including how to manage your time as a true professional, important practice software, as well as key tips on how to market yourself to a client and keep your newly minted practice up and running. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who is looking to take on a new practice area or is interested in IP and helping entrepreneurs, businesses, and creatives protect their brand."


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